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Jumanji: The Next Level ... A sequel done right

Jumanji: The Next Level is the sequel to Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. It has returning stars of the first film such as Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Karen Gillan. These stars are only bolstered by the addition of Danny Devito and Danny Glover who play an interesting part in this movie. In reality, Danny Devito and Danny Glover aren't in the film all that much. Instead what the audience gets is an amazing portrayal of Danny Devito by Dwayne Johnson and Danny Glover by Kevin Hart, resulting in an amazing combination. Jumanji: The Next Level is more of the video game and panic focused comedy from its predecessor. However, this comedy is only elevated by the joy of watching actors portray others in what I can only imagine must have been a ton of fun. The nail their impressions and it is just an absolute joy to watch actors flex their talents to show they have more range than just the one character they are usually given to play in a film. It was a personal delight, and
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